Google Answer clone

PHP, MySql, Javascript, Ajax, CSS, CMS, SEO
PHP, MySql, Javascript, Ajax, CSS ...
Description is a Questions and Answers service to help people resolve their doubts, problems and questions whenever they need such an online help. Anytime when you need the collaboration of people who know the answer, are experts in that and want to help others in earning money, the site will offer its services.
In this way, with small payments you ensure to have contact people who know the answer you are searching for, give you value and let you save time with the response you always wanted from a friend.

Client Comments
They have done a very good job. They have not finishing providing us support until they have fullfilled all our requirements.

Key Features
    Taxonomy for categories and subcategories is also maintained in the site. the categories on the left pane are placed neatly to serve the purpose of clean and easy navigation.
    The paying party then chooses the best winning answer who gets paid among the responses obtained in a specific response time
    This is a platform where registered users pay through payment gateway PayPal to ask questions
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